350z Aircon Problem
350z Aircon Problem
no idea if there is gas in it and the garage really didnt want to take the front bumper off untill they were sure the valve was there so im just double checking now
if there is i will remove the connector bridge the pins see if it gets cold lol
Careful, don't run it like that for more than a few seconds if there's a chance you have no gas. The valve is there to protect your compressor, it will seize if there's no gas as the gas has the oil in it.
You'll know if the aircon system has switched itself on as you will hear the idle revs raise when you bridge the pins.
wont be the fans mate as they were working when they were fitted with the a/c turned on and when the car was up to temp aslo the fans wouldnt stop the a/c getting cold.hope you get to the bottom of it though.