HKS CAMP V1 Manuals
HKS CAMP V1 Manuals
As some of you know Stav and I have the older (non-OBD2) version of HKS's CAMP device.
Very little technical information is available about these in English. There is a 3rd party installation guide written in PDF from an old Subaru site and a webpage with a load of screenshots and that's about it.
I contacted HKS to ask if they could supply me with a manual as there are some things like speedo pulse setup and injector duty % that you have to configure specifically for your engine and you can't guess at. I'd also guessed at the wiring for the injector hookup but it seems like I got that right. However HKS came good and send me through PDF copies of the original Japanese manuals. There are no official manuals in English as the device was never sold outside of Japan. So I started translating...
So far I've done the 'Install Guide for Companies' PDF. This seems to be the guide for certified HKS installers / resellers.
Thats good of you John, then once its finished put it on the web with a link to the Outlaws and the MR2 club have some rep