3m body panel tape
3m body panel tape
Guys can anyone link me to the EXACT tape I need to attach spoilers / light covers etc to the car?
I know, or I think, it's the red 3m tape, but I have no idea which or where to get it.
Any help will be appreciated.
thats what i gotta do actually for my skirts been lazy just bolted on at the moment lol
theres loads on there trust me
if you never want it to move or come off you can buy this stuff called TigerSeal its what a lot of body shops use for the likes of roof spoilers
cheers mate ill have a look how u been mate gd new year and xmas?
Thanks mate, but as I asked for an exact link telling me to look on ebay wont be much help as I don't know what exactly I'm looking for! :laugh:
As it happens, I found what I needed and have ordered 33m of it
Nah I don't need all of it :laugh: but the roll was dirt cheap, and I can help others with it too