How to wash a cat
How to wash a cat
1. Thoroughley clean the toilet.
2. Add the required amount of shampoo to the bowl and lift both lids.
3. Obtain the cat and gently sooth him whilst making your way to the bathroom.
4. In one smooth movement put the cat in the bowl and close both lids.
CAUTION. You may need to stand on the lid to keep shut, keep hands and feet away from sides as paws will be poking out wherever they find room.
5. Flush the toilet 3 or 4 times this creates a power wash and rinse which I have found effective.
6. Have someone open the outside door and make sure no one is between the toilet and the outside.
7. Stand as far away from the toilet as possible amd quickley open both lids.
8. The cat will now run outside to air dry.
You can skip step 1 as cat WILL claw the heck out of toilet and in turn clean it for you....
Watch out for cat at night - he will seek revenge, usually on your feet if they are sticking out from under the duvet.
also some chicken wire over the waste pipe exit, especially if its a small cat, as explaining to the plumber why the cats stuck in the pipes could cause the plumber to laugh too much and he wont be able to unblock the cat from pipes