Jap Power@ the Nationals 24th-26th May Peterborough
Jap Power@ the Nationals 24th-26th May Peterborough
[email protected]
there's an email address for modnats
Question guys, mate of mine wants to come and jump on the stand up he can? Will pay for a ticket when he gets there and wants to spend the weekend with us lot?
There's no more stand passes, that's what Chris was hoping for
If you turn up and can find me I will see what strings I can pull, ideally we need to know numbers in advance which is why we sell tickets as far in advance as possible
I will be there for gates opening :-D any ideas on where we meeting before we go in?
I believe there is a large petrol station with truck stop not far from it that's our plan at present,
Again as Rabster stated this is why we sell as far in advance as we can but if they meet with us before we go in I'm sure rabster will see what he can do