purplewitch That better not be supra parts you're giving away Dino!
im not as rich as dan lol, but if any one wants to donate me a bundle of parts like dans giving to mat for my birthday, i'll love them forever and clean their car every month lol.
jae 2010 best lexus category show and shine winner
jae 2010 ice outlaw award 2nd place
jae 2011 ice outlaw award 1st place
purplewitch That better not be supra parts you're giving away Dino!
im not as rich as dan lol, but if any one wants to donate me a bundle of parts like dans giving to mat for my birthday, i'll love them forever and clean their car every month lol.
jae 2010 best lexus category show and shine winner
jae 2010 ice outlaw award 2nd place
jae 2011 ice outlaw award 1st place