Jaguar XJR Supercharged
Jaguar XJR Supercharged
ah ok just thought you might of been trying some different techniques or finishes
Took delivery of my car today Christian. To my 'untrained' eye it looks pretty good, but can't wait for next weekend. (Caspian Sky, Parthiban's fav.colour)
graham8370 Took delivery of my car today Christian. To my 'untrained' eye it looks pretty good, but can't wait for next weekend. (Caspian Sky, Parthiban's fav.colour)
graham8370 Took delivery of my car today Christian. To my 'untrained' eye it looks pretty good, but can't wait for next weekend. (Caspian Sky, Parthiban's fav.colour)
Finding Caspian Sky an amazing colour. First thing this morning it was white, lunchtime it was silver and tonight it is a really nice pale blue. Really looking forward to Christian working his magic on her. All iv'e done is to give it a quick wash as it had come on the ferry from Ireland. Hope the pis come out (1st. attempt)[IMG]
Hi Lexusboy, the reason for breaking large areas up is for a few reasons. Primarily you want to keep the work areas quite small to enable you to get the best from the chosen polish in that work area. Too large and polishes will be drying out before fully broken down and you will not get adequate correction. It also gives you a fine line to see what difference you have made on a worked area and non to see if the technique, pad and polish are performing correctly. The roof was split into 4 just like the boot, because of the design of the bonnet the 2 'humps' either side were done seperately and the middle hump was broken into 2.
Fantastic looking car Graham, very nice colour. If you think its changing colours in different light now, well, just wait and see....