Hi all!
Hi all!
Hi guys,
Thanks for the nice welcome and kind words about my car. Dave - I figured I would beat you to the punch, as when people sign up on the MR2OC we hound them for pictures too
Toxo, it has been a while indeed. I ended up having a change of plan and have painted it white, which didnt work out super well so I am going to powder coat it soon.
Matt :biggrin:
Another proper car in the club - welcome:thumbup:
Hey guys, quick update, as I have just realised how long it's been since updating this post!!!
I am still about and hoping to join you guys at JAE this year along with Lisa. The mr2 has changed a lot since my pictures, now has a full engine dress and engine lid cover. But the car is now for sale to make way for my next toy
Cheers, Matt
That dose look good Matt :thumbup1:
but why oh why do people say things like "to make way for my next toy" without telling us all what it is . Its just not right and not fair :Bazza: