Abs kicking in when brackin at 10mph
Abs kicking in when brackin at 10mph
wouldnt of thought so mate ,they go in flush and one bolt :confused1:
This may sound like a silly question but are all the tyres the same size?
It does sound odd. I'm not saying it's likely, but I wonder if the ABS system has somehow become confused and needs recalibrating ? If that were the case though, you'd probably have to take it to Toyota/Lexus for them to plug the right bits in to reset everything.
The diagnostic procedures (where you can check individual sensors) are here.
Edit - by the way, are you sure that the wheels aren't locking ? i.e. it's the ABS that is cutting in too early, not that another problem is locking the wheels ?
The sound is comin from the abs motor in the engine bay and
i can feel the judder thro the pedal. So im presumin is the abs. Its just strange its kickin in at 10mph - 0mph everytime. Iv just taken the 7.5amp fuse out of the abs section an that solves the problem which leads me to believe its the abs altho now the fuse is out i have to suffer the constant abs light an flashin traction control light
easy.. 1 of the abs sensors is not correctly fitted, take the wheel off and have a VErY GOOD look at the sensors, you will find 1 sensor is slightly out. And yes it is possible for this to happen even if the retaining bolt is fully tight.
I know as I made this mistake on mine.
you will not find any fault codes and even the real time testor that plugs into the OBD port will show all is normal
Get someone to have a look as you're coming down to a stop, just to double-check that it's the ABS kicking in too early, while your wheels are still turning, and not that for some odd reason your wheels are locking up early.
Well, that's what I'd do anyway. I think it's highly unlikely to be your wheels locking early (e.g. due to a weird problem with the brakes themselves), but best to check IMHO.
Edit -forget that, if Rob's had exactly this problem before