My nipple is leaking!
My nipple is leaking!
Jim Looking further into this It appears they are.
Seems strange that a 2 litre car share the same rad as a 3 litre car.
Added with the fact that auto are also normally different too.
Denso Valo or Visteon will make most of the rads to the car manifactors how ever there are a few after market companies selling them around the £100 mark
Lexusboy Jim Looking further into this It appears they are.
Seems strange that a 2 litre car share the same rad as a 3 litre car.
Added with the fact that auto are also normally different too.
Lexusboy Jim Looking further into this It appears they are.
Seems strange that a 2 litre car share the same rad as a 3 litre car.
Added with the fact that auto are also normally different too.
Also this may be a silly question, but how does the aircon condenser fit into all of this? Is it part of the radiator, or totally separate?
Edit: Cheers toxo. So do we think that means for definite that they are different, or could they possibly be the same just with different P/N's?