Nurburgring Trip Sunday 18th July - 22nd July 2010
Nurburgring Trip Sunday 18th July - 22nd July 2010
Raj yeah its a bit dodgy there.ive got an apartment on bath road slough at the holyhead mews development.could always use some of the visitors spaces and take one car into town.
Raj yeah its a bit dodgy there.ive got an apartment on bath road slough at the holyhead mews development.could always use some of the visitors spaces and take one car into town.
Was there not a post that gave a break down of the costs for the trip , ie, fuel, hotel , food and drink costs I cant seem to find it !!
Is that all it is 250 miles ??? Happy days !!!!!
Well its just over 600 miles to WIM for me so about 100000000000000000 miles for me matey