DIY Supercharger Cradles
DIY Supercharger Cradles
All looking good mate!
Well for my fabricators with the jig each one can be done in half a day, all the ones I have being built at the moment will be done by next week.
In total with shot blasting and powder coating roughly a week
Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
im taking deposits as we speak and the first batch which stands at 13 cradles is being done now.
if you send over the deposit of £65 via paypal
and in the comments section add your delivery details i will get one made and when its completed you pay the reaminder prior to posting
or if this helps
[COLOR="Red"]hvis du sender over innskudd på £ 65 via paypal
og i kommentarfeltet legge til levering detaljer jeg får en gjort , og når dens fullført du betaler reaminder før poste[/COLOR]
payment via freind or family to: [email protected]
Wayne Good old google translate...
Any one got a part number for the charger so I can confirm it's the correct one the merchant breakers have?
Wayne Good old google translate...
Any one got a part number for the charger so I can confirm it's the correct one the merchant breakers have?