My Supra MKiii
My Supra MKiii
Lol they're good ecu's though.
Love the mkIII had a white pack Lt edition one
Shimed the wastegate with a few washers and added a 15 quid pod and 260 ponies later I was as happy as a pig in ****.
Quick question the AFC you no it's not a fuel controller as such right?
It interrupts the air flow pulse and re defines it by the set perimeters to fool the ECU in to thinking there is more or less air and in turn allows to ECU to compensate with fuel delivery.
The end result though is more or less fuel depending how its set up, i knocked it back across all 11 correction points by 25% when i fitted 550s and left it like that, i got to grips with it intimately this evening and after a bit of tooing, and throwing at wide open throttle up and down my private test track stopping at each end to make adjustments i now have air/fuel ratios in the low 11s across the rev range at WOT and god dam its made a difference i am one very VERY happy bunny!
I know it only alters the fueling at WOT as less than (i think) 70% throttle is controlled by the 02 sensor anyway, closed loop, or is it open loop? i can never remember that, lol
Anyhow i have the desired results, so im very happy