So now GET TO YOUR BED and good luck for tomorrow:thumbup1::thumbup1:
good luck oli
Thank you guys.
You are definitely not a car club. I see you guys as more of a social network, but with really knowledgeable helpful people.
Guys, I'm going bed, so night and i'll be on tomorrow and tell you guys how it went.
Thank you all so much for your kind words of good luck.
You guys are so nice.
Well guys, exams are all over now :thumbup1:
So now for the results in a month or so time is what my biology teacher said.
Really hard mate. The chemistry was hardest, physics easiest.
But yeah, the chemistry one had some really difficult questions, finished all questions in all papers.
But yeah fingers crossed for good results!
Sounds good, I always put an answer for every question, even if it was a guess!! got good grades to, not bad as I didn't take to academic study all that well..
Hope you get the results you are after mate.
Yes mate, still have a chance of getting an answer right if you guess
And thanks