Jae show n shine
Jae show n shine
well do tell your score then !!
No idea what the score was.
hmm no idea either mate will mail him when at work tomorrow and see if he replys
My marking worked on:-
First Impressions (max 10)*8
Body (max 20)*12
Wheels (max 20)*15
Engine Bay and engine (max 20)*17
Interior (max 10)*5
First Impressions were very good
Body- Yours*had*various marks, defects and chips which detract from the top score available.
Wheels -*brake dust, corrosion and damage
Engine -*A combination of water marks and dirt marked you down
Interior - Stock Clean,*a max of*6*points available for stock interior
not a bad score marc you done well
400 miles is that all , we did 505 :kiltsmilie::kiltsmilie:
But well done on a good score mate