Computer Help Needed
Computer Help Needed
Can anyone tell me what i need to do as i can not see all images on this site.
I know the images are there as i can see them on another computer.
I have tried it on IE and Firefox running vista
This is weird as photo seem ok but design images dont alway show.
Any idea's
thats is very weird, have you got any screen shots of the problem?
right im confused, as you said in the first post that you can see photo's?
can you see pics which are hosted by servers such as photobucket?
and its just the designs which dont appear?
I think it will be a config on your AV app. Try disbaling the AV and reloading the page - use ctrl + F5.
What Anti Virus software do you use?
I suspect the AV is configured to block images based on a script, an ActiveX control, a cookie, a Java program, or HTTP referral information.
I am not too familiar with McAfee, but on most AV clients interfaces you can disable specific components. Try clicking the AV icon in the system tray, near the time in bottome right corner.
Your issue would be caused by Firewall settings.
What is version of McAfee are you using?