iOS / Froyo / WM7..............
iOS / Froyo / WM7..............
Found it on a number of techie sites, so they're not usually wrong. Perhaps it's undecided at the mo, but a few places mentioned OTA updates.
When are the WP7 handsets going to be in shops? Need to have a play with one of these asap
parthiban When are the WP7 handsets going to be in shops? Need to have a play with one of these asap
parthiban When are the WP7 handsets going to be in shops? Need to have a play with one of these asap
steviewevie O2 have the HTC HD7 as an exclusive. They are advertising it on their website with 5-day delivery. So presumably, very soon ?
steviewevie O2 have the HTC HD7 as an exclusive. They are advertising it on their website with 5-day delivery. So presumably, very soon ?
yeah me to,
the tile set-up of WM7 looks quite intuitive, and probably less battery wasting than widgets?
the only issue ive come across so far is the lack of cut/copy/paste
but im sure an update would fix this,
quite intrigued by the "HUB" system aswell,......which i guess is a fancy new term for menu options lol
Widgets don't really use that much battery, it's the data syncing that does it - discovered that while on holiday, admittedly wasn't using the phone much except the odd call yet it would have 98% left at the end of the day.
Android I still think is the more practical and useful OS, but the thing that interests me is that Microsoft have always been practical so if that rubs off then this should be pretty good - because they've clearly spent a lot of time making the UI really sexy.
Just my opinion but the UI completely blows Android and iOS out of the water from what I've seen of it, but the proof will be in the playing :biggrin:
^^very true lol, slightly worries your referring to OS's as "sexy" but we can bypass that :lol:
im liking hte look of the samsung omnia 7, essentially a galaxy s with WM7
the HTC HD7 also looks good though,
the HTC mozart seems to music orientated and the LG optimus sounds to much like a transformer
Carpediem ^^very true lol, slightly worries your referring to OS's as "sexy" but we can bypass that :lol:
Carpediem ^^very true lol, slightly worries your referring to OS's as "sexy" but we can bypass that :lol:
Windows Phone is always going to be the best for MS Office compatibility though, which is something to consider (carpediem did say he does a lot of Excel).