Anyone else have any this morning? Only a light covering but the cars and the roofs had a nice layer of snow on them.
Hope it doesn't get too much worse though
None in MK yet, but I have just bought some winter rubber for the Prius. £150 all round, then just get them fitted, Toyota quoted £10 a rim, so thats not bad. Unfortunately they are not on the car yet as awaiting delivery.
The current tyres have 17500miles on them, although in good shape the rubber compound is not suited for winter as it is very hard to get the best MPG and long life. A little investment may save getting stuck or worse an accident.
Oxford is clear
Dad is doing Jury service there.
We're only going to see a few pretty flakes about 3pm, which will be all gone n melted by 5pm... or at least that better be the extent of it, I have the supra and I don't really want to have to sleep at work til it's gone !
True, could be snow later, but BBC and ITV both give different forecasts.
Hopefully no snow until I get home, then it can snow all it wants