Track prepared?
Track prepared?
Hi Chaps :Bazza:
This is a real outside bet, but does anyone know how much weight you can save by stripping the interior out of an IS200 by removing these bits?
-OE seats (all four)
-Door cards
-Roof lining and sunroof
-Electric windows, glass, mirrors
Basically, I am interested in putting a couple of Sparco's in, swapping the glass for plastic windows, removing crash bars etc etc
If I go ahead with this I will keep the heater and dash, but that's about it. If the weight saying will make it worthwhile I'll get a boring daily and use this for shits and giggles instead (aiming for 150hp per tonne)
Also, getting rid of the CATS.........does this actually make much difference on these? If so, what are the proven gains?
The standard front seat are VERY heavy cause of the electric motors etc. when i swapped mine for recliners the difference was amazing.
Any thoughts on the CATS?
I understand that there are more than one?
From what I understand, unless your going F/I, removing the cats is a bad idea?
Some say that the engine needs the back pressure, and without it you will loose some torque low down. Others say that that its a load of old tosh.
But certainly in terms of the IS300, everyone who has removed the cats has reported that the car doesn't pull as hard.
Yeah, I know the principles behind 'back pressure' but it was more a question about whether there is more than one and how many can I dump before I **** things up
Theres 3 in the IS200, one in each lef of the exhaust manifold (pre-cats) and the main one under the car.
I think you'll really struggle to get the IS200 down to a ton. There are a lot of other cars that are more suited to what you're doing, you'll spend a lot of money trying to get the thing track focussed and I'm not totally sure it'll be worth it. You'll still end up with a front heavy, underpowered barge, comparative to most track hacks.
Will be good fun though, which probably outweighs all the 'is it worth it' arguments :thumbup1:
Marsdendean ^^^ wash your mouth out about the barge thing lol.
My auto weighs 1800kg, so that's 800 kg you have to save, and I'm guessing you will save 200 kg with taking the bits out you have mentioned?
Marsdendean ^^^ wash your mouth out about the barge thing lol.
My auto weighs 1800kg, so that's 800 kg you have to save, and I'm guessing you will save 200 kg with taking the bits out you have mentioned?
Don't worry Dean, he says that about Supras too.... so does 2tongues ... s'what happens when they're used to driving Matchbox toys