Changing the IS250 Grill
Changing the IS250 Grill
Very nice Keith, the black pearl is just right i'd say? is a bit moody with a slight glint in its eye, not too shiny and not too black but very effective :thumbup1: top job mate :thumbup:
looks fantastic mate well done
Thought I'd have a go at changing this over today as it's my first day off for awhile.
Well I must have struggled for an hour trying to release the bottom of the bezel with no luck......didn't want to snap anything. The top is easy, 1 bolt and a couple of plastic studs, but getting the bottom free has totally done me.
Anyone done this and got any info on what I'm not doing right?
Keith, if you still have my number, give me a call. The bottom clips have to be lifted slightly to clear the slots, same as when you fit the new one. Need to do them one at a time to remove, starting from one side.
I assume you have removed the weather strip over the top of the grill? Needs to be done very carefully (I used long nosed pliers to gently squeeze each clip to remove).
Try to feel for the tabs (gray triangular shape) that hook on to the bumper. gently press on them and move them out of the slot. DO NOT PULL UP OR PULL/PUSH HARD. There should be 4 in total.
Okay finally got to grips with changing the grill, seems I was being a bit to delecate not wanting to damage anything lol, found the tabs that need to be pushed/pulled. So here is the finished item, let me know what you think:
What I really like about this new grill is that it's not just flat like many of the other types I've seen (although you can't tell by the pictures), it actually bows out like the OEM one.
Oh and I bought some new plates too, thought I'd add something a little subtle in the bottom line:
Just out of curiosity where did you get your plates made up? I want to put new plates on mine and I thought you had to have the name of the place that made the plates on the bottom; I don't want HALFORDS or such like printed across the bottom of my plates.
That looks brilliant, much improved.
The badge looks like it could be a bit bigger though, or is that just an illusion?
looking good keith
very nice little touch to the plate aswell