New DVLA Insurance Law
New DVLA Insurance Law
Just had my tax reminder for my bike and with it came the New Motor Insurance Law from the Govenment. What a load of s**t they have come up with now. Although I agree with vehicles with No Tax being put on a SORN and not being allowed on the road, I think its a bit much that if you are not using your Car/ Bike and have no insurance they can now come and Fine/ Clamp or Remove your vehicle and even Dispose of it and be fined a maximum of £1000 by the Courts because you now have to SORN your vehicle if you have NO insurance. As I have previously been employed as a Removal Driver for Untaxed Vehicles being on the road, they are now going to fine you a fixed penalty of £100 for no insurance even though your vehicle is not being used on the road. So does this New Law mean that if your vehicle is on [U]YOUR[U] Drive they can remove it because you havent put it on a SORN????
Although I am all for penalising those people with no insurance, but wouldn't be more appropriate to look at why they have no insurance? If they can't afford the insurance how will they be able to pay the fine?? What happens if you are suddenly diagnosed with a serious illness and are in hospital when the insurance expires - I'm sure this would be the last thing your mind!
What do the rest of you think?
I agree with you Jeff
Why are we not closing some of the other loop holes in insurance when a oversea person moves to the UK and leaves the country for one day a year to insure his vehicle back in his native country.
How can that be right ie how do we try and claim on their insurance when they do not know our roads or laws or maybe understand our language.
Yep the govt is going in the right direction with all this just hope that they have some flexability in this for such things that Jeff has brought up.
My worry is that it will be all done by a computer and then they dont allow you any recourse if for example you are in hospital or such
i dont think even sorn is a good idea all it means is more paperwork .cant speed camras check evey car going by if it has mot/tax and insurance and send a fine. all paperwork does is cost us more money .if my car is on my land and it has no tax why should i fill a form in .the Govenment knows on there computers if i have no tax and we all know not to drive with no tax or a fine will be coming our way .do they think someone who drives around with no tax will fill it in .....sorry love a good rant :lol:
I think this is a good idea I'm sorry but how many people drive round without insurance 1000s
If the vehicle is sorn they can't hide behind anything when the police pull them over because they have to fill in the form and send it to the DVLA
Easier to issue fixed penalty without courts and hassel
thats very true lexpat i can see your point and yours too phil1 it would be too easy to make laws to save money it should be no tax = BIG FINE no mot =BIG FINE no Insurance=BIG FINE no courts and hassel on the spot or 30 days to pay no money out of our pockets just more money saved no paperwork i dont need reminding when i need mot /tax and Insurance and i bet all at ojc dont too really theres no excuses