TIP: fix your leaking supercharger
TIP: fix your leaking supercharger
After some years of operation you might have signs of an oil leak from the pulley area.
2 causes, the oil seal is worn or more serious the oil seal has worn a groove in the shaft and oil is now able to bypass the oil seal.
Split the unit and remove the front cover, inspect the shaft for any grooves etc. Replace the oil seal with a Viton double lip seal if possible
internal bore: 0.620
external: 1.120
width: standard .250
BUT if the shaft is worn use following widths to move the sealing lips away from the damage.
1st oversize: .310
2nd oversize: .370
its an imperial seal so all sizes in decimal imperial.
i have suggested viton double lip so even if 1 lip if on or near the damage the other lip should still seal.
viton is also a softer, longer lasting material and does not have the knife edge seal of the typical nitrile seals.