LED resistors.
LED resistors.
Can anyone tell me how to wire in resistors for my sidelight LED's as they are thorwing up bulb warnings on the dash and making the indicator bulbs stay lit all the time.
you have two options mate,
wiring load resistors across the light (across live and earth)
moving the blown light sensor which is in the boot
lol i forgot!
load resistors it is then
Yes soz Stav should have put on a Beemer, do you just connect them to the live feed on the wiring?
Andy-R. Yes soz Stav should have put on a Beemer, do you just connect them to the live feed on the wiring?
Andy-R. Yes soz Stav should have put on a Beemer, do you just connect them to the live feed on the wiring?
thats correct mate, but proper load resistors not normal ones
What do you mean mate? I got sent them by the place I bought the bulbs from there basically a thin strip of wire with a little cream coloured thingy in the middle.
Mine ain't like those.
they're the ones mate,
Mine are just sidelight bulbs so shouldn't need load resistors just need to trick the computer so the ones I have should be fine right? What's the best way to connect them do I need to strip back to wire and solder or cam they be scotch locked on or even better just pushed into place?