Air Intake where to buy
Air Intake where to buy
Hi all put an induction kit on my is200 and its not exactly in direct air flow and wondered where this intake can be bought from or is it a custom that they have made up thx
no i dont but where the cone filter sits behind the headlight its not got direct airflow onto it and would perform better if i can direct air behind head light ive looked at the ducting but there is no ideal place to route it
yeah thats the induction route i have taken but want to route air the same way as in the picture above and gives nice clean look, ive also got standard bumper and is very tight to run ducting!
Basically i want the intake to be taken in at the front where the oem one does but go left as in the picture and open up on the bottom behind the head light, so the air flows downwards over the cone instead of routing it via ducting tube like in the post
TDi used to make them carbon intakes, dont think they do any more but theres a few knocking about