Toyota Parts Directory
Toyota Parts Directory
Just a help for people to find part numbers for Most Toyotas and Lexus
When quoting parts to Lexus/Toyota, make sure you check the full part number over in the right-hand table, not just the five digits shown in the diagram (which is not a proper part number).
You will sometimes find there is more than one version of the diagram depending on model year, so check for that (typically indicated at the top of the diagram, e.g. "99-" or "99-01" etc).
Where there is more than one version of the part in the right-hand table, it might just be that a later part has superseded the original one (and is otherwise identical). Sometimes of course part numbers can vary depending on body colour, equipment, or other things.
You can always get Toyota/Lexus to double-check the part numbers for you, this is sensible especially if the item is not of a trivial value. They use the same basic diagrams but they may have more information to assist them and of course they should have the experience too.
A final tip is to always check with Toyota/Lexus for a price (the Euro prices in the table will give you an indication). Sometimes they may be very expensive and a breaker's/eBay/Blueprint part will be a better bet. But sometimes their prices are suprisingly reasonable.