Hi all!
Hi all!
Hey Pete, thanks mate was good to meet you aswell, its nice to know that there are quite a few members in the area with Lex's as I am very new to it all etc. was a good meet last night
See you soon,
Sounds like your getting about mate lol glad to see people are viewing the car....
Will respond to your pm once I get to a pc iPhone not the best for long replys lol
Hey Rab, no problems mate - drop me a message when you have the time you know i'll end up sending you a PM every day for the next year or so haha.
Yep, getting to a lot of local meets to show off the engine and all the bling stuff and flashy lights! Pete didnt seem impressed when he saw the Garrett sat under the bonnet hehe. I was informed that he wont "play" if we pass each other on the road