Back boosting again :)
Back boosting again :)
So I started at 11am this morning with the eye to doing everything properly and sorting out all the niggles I had from my previous supercharger install.
Unfortunately I didn't take many pics, just got stuck in instead. But here's my work list:
1. Cut the header heatshield so that it no longer hits against the supercharger
2. Fully clean the engine bay as there's all kinds of metal shavings and stuff floating about in there.
3. Clean the radiator and rad fans as they are covered in sticky white stuff (coolant)
4.Mount new Supercharger....
One thing that really annoyed me with the previous install was that straight out of the supercharger outlet it hit a 45deg bend, then a 30deg bend in the other direction. So I rotated the supercharger volute slightly and managed to get it to line up perfectly with anothe rpipe below. This allowed me to use 30cm of 4ply to join the two in a straight line. Totally eliminating all bends:
5. I'm also getting a bit tired of blue, so I started wrapping some of the cables in black or stainless steel braid:
For anyone who wants blue stuff (tubes, hose, wire...etc) let me know as I'm going to be selling a lot of it shortly.
Took the car out for a quick drive at about 4pm once I'd finished and MAAAAAAAN is it good to be boosting again. Highest I've hit so far was 12.9PSI, but that was with the car in 'D' and no sports mode so it was shifting gears lower down the RPM range.
Top job mate!!
All very good mate. I like the bend eliminating. I think it's your new rad that is more likely to get white sticky stuff on it when it arrives! :lol:
I like blue, as you know. Though some of yours might be bigger than mine! PM me what ya got.
Lexusboy I shall have to pop over to see what pipe work fits onto my car....
Stoney All very good mate. I like the bend eliminating. I think it's your new rad that is more likely to get white sticky stuff on it when it arrives! :lol:
I like blue, as you know. Though some of yours might be bigger than mine! PM me what ya got.
Lexusboy I shall have to pop over to see what pipe work fits onto my car....
Stoney All very good mate. I like the bend eliminating. I think it's your new rad that is more likely to get white sticky stuff on it when it arrives! :lol:
I like blue, as you know. Though some of yours might be bigger than mine! PM me what ya got.
Looks good mate!
also interested in the blue piping, bring it to JAE?
Sparkystav Looks good mate!
also interested in the blue piping, bring it to JAE?
Sparkystav Looks good mate!
also interested in the blue piping, bring it to JAE?
jimxms Deffo mate. I've got quite a lot of generic size tubing so there's bound to be some that fits. You're not far away from me at all are you (wickers)?
Lol yeah. The new radiator will have me(cleaning it with lots of alu cleaner
WIll drop ya a PM tho. I've got lots of vacuum hose, lots of 10mm ID hose (used a lot in the IS)...etc
jimxms Deffo mate. I've got quite a lot of generic size tubing so there's bound to be some that fits. You're not far away from me at all are you (wickers)?
Lol yeah. The new radiator will have me(cleaning it with lots of alu cleaner
WIll drop ya a PM tho. I've got lots of vacuum hose, lots of 10mm ID hose (used a lot in the IS)...etc
ormi i need about 4 inches of blue vac hose....just noticed today my dump valve vac hose is starting to perish and has big splits not through though but not far off it......:cursing: how much??
ormi i need about 4 inches of blue vac hose....just noticed today my dump valve vac hose is starting to perish and has big splits not through though but not far off it......:cursing: how much??