JAE Drinks
JAE Drinks
OK guys and girls with this being just over a week away here is a quick question would you all prefer it if the club provided some fizzy drinks that would be conciderably cheaper than what you would be paying around the grounds
for example
Tango, Fanta, Coke, Diet Coke £0.50p
red bull £1.00
would this be of interest to people if so we can get a few drink supplies in....
Hell yes.
I will still bring 10 or so 2l bottles of drinking water (5 fizzy, 5 still) but this will be ideal.
I'll be bringing some along with me as well...
Yeh that sounds good to me! I'll probably bring a few things with me but having supplies on the club stand would be bostin!
thats not a bad idea mate
we need to know how many people will want in on this so we can gauge what to get i dont mind goin down to get them etc as long as people will actually want lol
Rabster we need to know how many people will want in on this so we can gauge what to get i dont mind goin down to get them etc as long as people will actually want lol
Rabster we need to know how many people will want in on this so we can gauge what to get i dont mind goin down to get them etc as long as people will actually want lol
what happened to the alcyhol fund? i'll have some soft drinks at some point too