My new toys
My new toys
Today I will fit a new Left headlight since the old one was too dazzle and has moisture in the inner during the morning. I will fit a new supercharger belt since the existing one makes a noise when the belt is cold...I have tried to tighten it and also sand the belt with a sand paper, but no inprovement.
Looking good mate , but sorry to hear about the issue with the coilovers .
I've got mine sitting in my garage and to tell the truth I've not even opened the box to look at them yet :ohmy:
Moley Looking good mate , but sorry to hear about the issue with the coilovers .
I've got mine sitting in my garage and to tell the truth I've not even opened the box to look at them yet :ohmy:
Moley Looking good mate , but sorry to hear about the issue with the coilovers .
I've got mine sitting in my garage and to tell the truth I've not even opened the box to look at them yet :ohmy:
dimis Yes it was a bit shocking. I will be fitting the coilovers next Saturday. When are you going to fit yours? What happened with your emanage? are you going to fit that also?
dimis Yes it was a bit shocking. I will be fitting the coilovers next Saturday. When are you going to fit yours? What happened with your emanage? are you going to fit that also?
Hi Dimis , about the supercharger pulley you linked to in your other thread , are you still changing your bigger one for an even bigger one ??
And good luck with the big day tomorrow :drool:
Today I fitted almost all the new parts on the car. Firstly we changed the front bushes. As you see from the photo the front bush is damaged after 125,000km so I presume it will be a good idead to have a look at your bushes too. Removing the oem bushes was not an easy job. It requires a map gas, a chesil and a hummer.
Pic of the faulty old coilover and the Megan Racing Bars.
New TRD bush fitted on the bar.
Coilover and Megan Racing parts fitted on the car.
Also the bushes of the rear oem traction rods were damaged...check this bushes too.
Front coilover fitted on the car.