2012 OJC Calendar!!!!!
2012 OJC Calendar!!!!!
Presumably it's the usual payment details of gift option to [email protected]?
Once this is confirmed I'll cough up...
I think so Dave... but Andrew needs to confirm.
Well it needs to be confirmed tonight , because I'm offshore tomorrow and I Never send money over the internet when I'm not on a secure network , ie when I'm not on my own computer. So chop chop !!!!
just send it to that email address mate, im sure Andy can send it to the correct one if thats not right,
but i imagine it will be!
Yes, that's the right one .... it's the only one lol
Thats me paid my £24 , so lets get them posted out :whistling:
Cheers Moley.
im paid too....
That's me paid now...