JAE map of area
JAE map of area
looks like we are next to two good clubs, wheres the onwners club, right over at the side lol
Jambo P.S. Are the different areas roped off, so we dont get crushed between the 2 clubs?Yes, don't worry, each club's area will be marked out so we'll still have our proper space.
Jambo P.S. Are the different areas roped off, so we dont get crushed between the 2 clubs?Yes, don't worry, each club's area will be marked out so we'll still have our proper space.
Marsdendean very good area, to say we are still only a smallish club, we have been allocated a very good area. Does anyone have a full map of the park, or is the one Stav has posted the full park? just wondering since there is over 50 clubs attending
Marsdendean very good area, to say we are still only a smallish club, we have been allocated a very good area. Does anyone have a full map of the park, or is the one Stav has posted the full park? just wondering since there is over 50 clubs attending