Hks bov
Hks bov
Why would you need a BOV/dump valve on a supercharger? I thought the idea behind the BOV/dump valve was to expel unused charge air when the throttle is snapped shut, so it doesn't about-face and run back through a turbo charger, causing the blades to stall, and relieving stress on the bearings as a result?
Oh yeah I get it about the noise, just wondered if there was a reason for it like with turbo's is all.
Do you only get a chuff when coming off full throttle, or does it chuff when on part/half throttle too? Never had a S/C, but had a couple turbo's in the past, which would hiss or chuff depending how much charge air built up - full throttle it would vent fully, and part throttle, or lower in the rev range, it would hiss out when you lift off
Does anyone know the outer diameter of the tte boost pipes? Just so I can order a T piece to join the bov to the system.
It's because it's an aftermarket supercharger. Factory installed superchargers are generally fitted BEHIND the throttlebody, so you would never get any excess pressure to vent. The blow off valve is not really nessecary (any excess presure generated is going to be pushing back against the supercharger screws and the belt motion, which is hardly going to bat an eyelid at 0.3BAR).
Also, use proper silicone hose NOT washer hose, it can melt when exposed to high engine bay temps.