Lexus IS200 TTE Supercharger Kit
Lexus IS200 TTE Supercharger Kit
6 HOURS?!?!
Ruddy hell, That's surprising !
For some reason I thought it would be 3 or 4 hours of dismantling before the supercharger even went near the car.
So, In essence, What your saying is someone could drive their IS200 to you first thing on a weekend, Help you fit it, And (As long as everything went smoothly) drive it home again in the afternoon.
If I could warrant the expenditure, I think I'd be ripping arms off right about now. :Sulk:
Scotty - someone on the forum drove in to JAE with no supercharger and drove out again with one fitted. It really is a bolt on kit.
I know Ormi fitted his outside his house in about 3 to 4 hours... I guess it depends how mechanical you are. I'd be more like 6 days myself...
el_bandido Scotty - someone on the forum drove in to JAE with no supercharger and drove out again with one fitted. It really is a bolt on kit.
el_bandido Scotty - someone on the forum drove in to JAE with no supercharger and drove out again with one fitted. It really is a bolt on kit.
DaveEdin :lol: I believe that OJC has fitted 3 or 4 chargers during different JAEs...
DaveEdin :lol: I believe that OJC has fitted 3 or 4 chargers during different JAEs...
I've witnessed 2 charger fittings:
Chris (Bandit)'s at WIM 3 years ago which was probably 4-5 hours MAX
Stoney's at JAE 2012 which took over a day but who wants to be working on their car all day at JAE? Also he lost his throttle spring nut thingy which I found the next day :3
1was removed at an ACE cafe meet also!!
One was fitted with the other side in 2009, then the lad wrote it off in a day I believe.
FirebirdPhil 1was removed at an ACE cafe meet also!!
FirebirdPhil 1was removed at an ACE cafe meet also!!