Modified Nationals Meal deal
Modified Nationals Meal deal
hello all
those of you attending Mod nats and those ive spoke to on the FB Page im offering a simple meal deal for this event.
Friday,Saturday Evening a BBQ
Saturday, Sunday Morning Breakfast
Evening will consist of Burgers/hot dogs
and breakfast will be bacon/sausge baps
also offering tea and coffee as we all function on that in the morning.
cost for the weekend will be £10 per peson and some of that fill go towards cost of Gas for the BBQ.
if you are interested in this deal all you have to do is send your payment as a gift via paypal and your name and i will make a list.
if paying for more than one person insure you add all there names to the list.
Paypal: [email protected]
add you name to this thread so i can start building a list
Rich Cropley
Hollowpoint x4
Chris Clark
Geordie300zx x5 paying for x2 on the day
Jimbob150385 x2
Kouki x5
Almost finished paying on the day
Mikey Bean x1
Lexuspat x1
Posty x1
Marley3356 x1
Means all I've got to pay for is fuel and beer for the whole weekend now!
The HollowPoints Mr and Mrs please
Not paid for them yet, but more to add to the list Geordie French and Rich Cropley. Geordie will be paying himself tonight and I'll be paying on Rich's behalf, but am holding off in case any of the others coming with us, also want in and need me to pay for them too.