Japanese Performance Show 21st Aug 2016 Stoneleigh Park
Japanese Performance Show 21st Aug 2016 Stoneleigh Park
So some of the show is indoor (ie traders and show cars) but club stands are outside?
Yes I can confirm that is correct stav
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I am off work so i may be interested in this! Ill talk to my dad get the Soarer there as well. Updated top Post
interested but never been to a show before, unless something comes up earlier will be the first time with OJC how does it work when i get there?
Normally one of our admin team is at the event to direct our members in or as mentioned above a convoy is made by a few of the members.
Once at the event u arrive on stand park up give the car a bit of a detail and then enjoy ur day speaking with the other members and walking around
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Alright, if theres a convoy ill try and join up with that, as for detailing well... I can give my pokemon ball gear knob a shine the rest of my car is a little bit shabby!
Everyone starts somewhere dude lol
Sure ur get plenty of tips
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