Japshow Finale - Sunday 2nd October 2016
paid! me and my wife will be coming to this one, so 2 tickets bought Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Excellent sent from Admin HQ via tapatalk
List updated who else is up for this one
me and dad will be up for it just need to finish arranging it
bump bump who else is up for it ?
List updated so let's get booking these tickets guys and girls and have a great event for the last big show of the season sent from Admin HQ via tapatalk
i got a ticket for the mrs but she doesnt want to go now, so i have a passenger ticket going if anyone wants it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There we go Rob maybe speak to some of the guys that went to JAE and ask them if they want a ticket sent from Admin HQ via tapatalk
haha i dont have any contact details for anyone Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk