Dates & Price for Knockhill:- Saturday 27th March..
Dates & Price for Knockhill:- Saturday 27th March..
So its us 3 :biggrin: can't wait now mate thanks.
Did he get back to you mate?
Haha. Terry I'm not coming now lol
Na joking mate can't wait for it.
What subject does she teach? I'm doing my GCSE's at year 9 cared: which is two years ahead :O. So yeah, school is getting hard now
Oli you are more than welcome , the Misses will keep you under control :Shooting:
Cheers mate can't wait, proper excited about it really. She will keep me under control and I drink 80% vodka
Rabster you better be there, i drive down for meets in Englandshire so you better come up to ours :Shooting::Shooting:
lol i will be trying my hardest i have requested the dates along with JAE and Swiss Alps but so far yours seems to be the only one that has a question mark over it as i have a job in Dubai to go do and may be out there over this time wont know for a few weeks its like a slow boat from china with my equipment so cant do anything till it docks :Shooting::Shooting: