Ace Cafe Meets Dates 2010
Ace Cafe Meets Dates 2010
The club has arranged two more meets for next year at the Ace Cafe. all Jap cars are Welcome from the forum
(please PM Wozza your registration number)
These dates are:
Sat 17th April day time 11 - 4pm,
Sat 16th Oct day time 11 - 4pm
On how to get there please check:
If your interested in adding your name to the April meet please let us know.:thumbup1:
Attending Members List
* denotes registration submitted
2tongues *
Almost Finished * with Johnboy as Co Driver
Altezza Tom *
AnDy *
Alamkhan3980 *
Bandit *
B15RUP *
dodgydave *
Dark Samurai *
Daveis200 *
Davros *
edeath *
Hurricane *
icemahn *
Iceman67 *
iLLzLex *
is300 Dino *
James S *
jay@buttonmoon *
Jeff *
jsj24uk *
Lexusboy *
Lexynik *
LEX11S *
Marsdendean *
MrMan *
M1TZ *
M44TXY *
Parthiban *
Rabster *
Reverand HighTower *
Sisubaru *
Sorted Vti *
Steviewevie *
Toxo *
tyreman *
Wozza *
Y2kanjar *
Zack & Gord
Woo-hoo ! Great stuff. I'll add them to the calendar. Will be aiming to be there.
Edit - I see I was already beaten to the calendar editing :laugh:
excellent news, will prob wont make the April one as ill be working
I think I may be actually able to make the April one for a change, put me down so I can't back out
parthiban I think I may be actually able to make the April one for a change, put me down so I can't back out
parthiban I think I may be actually able to make the April one for a change, put me down so I can't back out