OJC calender 2010
OJC calender 2010
Please let us know of events that you would like a club stand.
We will try and make as many events as possible.
Some club stands require minimum numbers of vehicle so the earlier we know about them the more chance we have in getting some thing sorted.
Here are some events for March that members are already going to.
Surrey Rolling Road day 27th Contact Toxo if interested
Knockhill driving day 27th Contact Moley if interested
Midlands Breakfast Club Meet. 21st
The Large event for April 17th is the Ace Cafe, please supply Wozza with you car reg (needed in advance) for this event to gain access link
All events are in the Calender area of the forum plus on the club Facebook area.
If your not a member of Facebook please add yourself.
Facebook is a good area to let us know if you thinking of coming to events in advance.
If you want to get a event added to the club Facebook site please contact Marsdendean.
Outlaw Jap Club Supports Safe driving at all Times.