wow....angel eyes from the states
wow....angel eyes from the states
check out these baby's ..... 200 dollar but they look very nice
Think they'd be illegal in the UK. Could you use them in Sweden ?
steviewevie Think they'd be illegal in the UK. Could you use them in Sweden ?
steviewevie Think they'd be illegal in the UK. Could you use them in Sweden ?
They face the wrong way don't they for UK cars - RHD and all that.
I was thinking of the colour making them illegal. Didn't think about the 5-series, that's a good point.
Just had a look at the MoT manual. It says lights can only be white to the front, but can be yellow "if positioned in a yellow headlamp". Not sure if they'd meet those criteria ?
Are the BMW lights perhaps to the side, so therefore different I wonder ?
DJ Wozza I thought indicators were classed as yellow and on most cars you can deffo see them at the front ?
DJ Wozza I thought indicators were classed as yellow and on most cars you can deffo see them at the front ?
what about the old renaults and peugots that had yellow front lights? but those look toooo much like rear lights.