What now
What now
Ive cleaned , polished and waxed the car , but what do i do now/next ? say the car is dirty , do i wash the car with just water or use a car shampoo , and do i have to keep waxing or is there another product to use ?
All you need to do is wash it with warm water and car shampoo, then rinse off with a hose without the nozzle and dry. Stand back and admire :thumbup1:
Hi Almost Finished,
What the guys have said is correct, always use a car shampoo and warm water when re-washing the vehicle, water alone will not wash it correctly. If you are wanting to you can of course add another layer of wax to help with protection, but you wont want to do this every week. Depending what wax you are using, once a month will be fine if its a stage you really enjoy
What you can use after washing is some kind of quick detailer. After washing and drying, this will help remove any water marks that might remain and give the wax a touch more gloss. Meguiars Last Touch is great for this if you want to buy in bulk or Halfords sell a quick detailer spray bottle if that easier for you to get.
Personally, i would look into a product called Zaino Z8. It is a spray bottle, not cheap but does last. It can be used for those washes that are inbetween waxes. Simply spray a very small amount on a panel, the least you use the better with this product, wipe it using a clean microfibre evenly across the entire panel, turn over the cloth and buff off, then move onto the next panel. once the whole car is done, give the car a quick once over with a fresh microfibre incase any smears have appeared. This product seriously enhances the gloss, depth and slickness to a well prepped surface due to its optical clarifying polymers.
Its a kind of special occasion product
If you want to use this just after waxing, make sure you have left a good curing time for a wax to fully gas out.
Z8 will not last as long as most waxes, depednign on vehicle usage and weather conditions i would say a few weeks max, but it does certainly add that 'little something' and leaves a very glassy finish.
Here the product that Christian is talking about but shop around..
It's worth getting some waffle drying cloths, as Lexusboy mentioned. Don't use a chamois or one of those blade thingies. Halford sell the waffle cloths now, as well as them being available from most online detailing suppliers, eBay etc.
Aye, chuck your chamois, and the blade things yeah, just dont
Lexusboy I converted Rabster to the waffle drying cloth now.:thumbup1:
Lexusboy I converted Rabster to the waffle drying cloth now.:thumbup1: