voting tomorrow
voting tomorrow
Dark Samurai my mum and bro going for lib dems...
Dark Samurai my mum and bro going for lib dems...
Doesn't matter who gets in- if you work hard and pay taxes (I guess that most of us here?) you WILL get shafted.
kam05 Doesn't matter who gets in- if you work hard and pay taxes (I guess that most of us here?) you WILL get shafted.
kam05 Doesn't matter who gets in- if you work hard and pay taxes (I guess that most of us here?) you WILL get shafted.
kam05 Doesn't matter who gets in- if you work hard and pay taxes (I guess that most of us here?) you WILL get shafted.
kam05 Doesn't matter who gets in- if you work hard and pay taxes (I guess that most of us here?) you WILL get shafted.
toxo Exactly this. When you take the world economy and the country's debt (regardless of who created it in the first place) into account there is no win situation. Anyone who reduces government spending cuts services, anyone who reduces taxes makes our economy worse by elongating the period in which we get ourselves back in the black.
toxo Exactly this. When you take the world economy and the country's debt (regardless of who created it in the first place) into account there is no win situation. Anyone who reduces government spending cuts services, anyone who reduces taxes makes our economy worse by elongating the period in which we get ourselves back in the black.
Even with the existing government true illegal immigrants are only granted amnesty in extreme situations - stop reading the Daily Mail
I would expect a tax rise to be honest, regardless of who gets into power. Money doesn't just appear from nowhere and we need to pay off our ridiculous national debt somehow. I found a great analysis somewhere (Financial Times maybe?) of each major party's manifestos, which came to the inevitable conclusion that any net cuts were simply unrealistic - if they cut money from one kind of tax it will reappear in another.
I don't read the daily mail, but that was aimed at the lib dems rather than labour :tongue_smilie:
Seriously though, only the tories have put forward any kind of plan of cost saving - through cutting back the benefit system and streamlining the money wasted by government. That's how funding can be increased without raising taxes.
Nobody knows whether they'll do it or not, but they're the only ones actually putting a plan forward that could do it. Labour will just go crazy with taxation (especially on the motorist) and the lib dems will do similar but also making further crazy cuts like with our military and defense systems.
Have to say I can't agree with the powerless no win situation - yes we might not win but we need to regulate how badly we lose........