dry sump pump
dry sump pump
as in a pump setup for a dry sump? expensive bit of kit surely?
yeah but it's just the pump i need, or pumps! i'm just looking for one just now but will need another one or two as i get nearer to completion on other projects. I'm after a two stage pump and the reason i'm not after a complete kit is that i will be fabricating the sump etc myself for a custom installation.
Why a dry sump, there are other ways of getting constant oil pressure without the cost etc.
Yea, that figures!!
A lot of the lotus track cars use the Accusump device, that stops oil starvation at high G's.
if you remove the oil from the sump as quickly as poss and have a scraper and windage tray fitted the crank doesn't have to travel through the oil mist, i expect the gain back at least 20hp with the engine spec i'm using. i already have an accusump for my road/track car and it works great, just doesn't help with the power to weight ratio.
Thats a whole lot of BHP gained, I had thought it was because a dry sump eliminates the oil starvation issues when in high "G" corners, I am pleased to learn something new!!
I have also learnt something new
2tongues Thats a whole lot of BHP gained, I had thought it was because a dry sump eliminates the oil starvation issues when in high "G" corners, I am pleased to learn something new!!
2tongues Thats a whole lot of BHP gained, I had thought it was because a dry sump eliminates the oil starvation issues when in high "G" corners, I am pleased to learn something new!!