Wash Mit
Wash Mit
Synthetic Wool Wash Mitt, For Washing or Polishing
This is a great value wash mitt made from extremely soft & gentle synthetic fibres.
It is well made and far less prone to rotting than lamb's wool mitts.
Machine washable time and time again.
Special Price @ £4.00 inc VAT & P&P
Payments can be made via paypal using GIFT OPTION to Rach_arc@talk21.com
or order over £25.00 can be made on a credit card by calling 01833 660900 or 07979 758884.
Ordered one of these as well along with a few other bits
Lexusboy Terry send Rachel a order and she can give you a total for all the items you want mate...
Lexusboy Terry send Rachel a order and she can give you a total for all the items you want mate...