Anyone remember the guy.....
Anyone remember the guy.....
hahaha il probley get ripped a new **** for saying this but i love that car!! remeber seeing it on My.IS... some very aggresive wheel and stance setup! with serious stretch!! fair play to him! does look the nuts in my eyes though haha!! thats without the pink grill which ruins it now!! let the abuse comence!! haha
i love stretch but it can go silly very easily! that IS sits fantastic and thats only sitting that well due to the amount of stretch! i wouldnt drive that daily!! smash your rims driving to the shops!! haha but does look amazing without the new grill!
Wide and low as they say
Lexuspat got a mate who did it to a corsa and spends more time buying tires than anyone i know
Lexuspat got a mate who did it to a corsa and spends more time buying tires than anyone i know
ow beer