my car now on ebay :)
my car now on ebay :)
i hope so mate
but if not then i can still get the car i want so its not tooooo drastic
Gutted especially as there was 35 watchers.
Obviously 32 of them were from here lol.
Well with the money I made removing bits then I'm not that much out of pocket so a big thanx to Rabster and Bandit.
A pleasure doing business with you both.
Well providing I don't get messed about I should be in my new motor by the end of the week
Ok it looks like I'm a victim of eBay Messers
So if anybody from here wants to buy it then let me know
Webuyanycar mate
I need it gone tho as I've lined my next car up
Hope the buyer hurts itself very soon mate :Shooting::Shooting:
Just had a look at his bid history and he's bidding on 7 different cars at the moment :Chair::Chair:
Can't stand idiots that mess you about :mad: