my car now on ebay :)
my car now on ebay :)
Me neither mate
That's why if anybody from here wants it they can have it for £3300.
But it needs to be gone asap
But I can hold it with a deposit.
Really am ****** off now
All I'll say atm is I'm looking into a Nissan as we speak
But it's on foreign plates atm so need to find out about changing them oh and find out about shipping the car over
Chri5 That's why if anybody from here wants it they can have it for £3300.
Chri5 That's why if anybody from here wants it they can have it for £3300.
Dark Samurai Don't you have a manual license then parthiban?
Dark Samurai Don't you have a manual license then parthiban?
dimis Is it a Skyline or a Silvia mate? Any of the both are fantastic cars.Nearly right but not quite
Rabster Hmmm wher did I stash that 3k
dimis Is it a Skyline or a Silvia mate? Any of the both are fantastic cars.Nearly right but not quite
Rabster Hmmm wher did I stash that 3k