Smashed up cossie
Smashed up cossie
Just been on 1 of the other sites I use to read this.
On Saturday there was the usual goings on when a few miles down the road a sierra cosworth has had a blowout and crashed killing the driver, paralysingly 1 passenger and seriously injuring the other.
Now I know we all speed and race about to a certain extent but if the story is true then somebody stuck nails in the ground with mastic in a horrifying way of trying to stop street racers.
Well it certainly stopped 1 guy.
Would of understood had this been in a built up area but it's a quiet industrial estate.
RIP to the driver and hope the others pull through
there is no need for that, that is just plain lunacy imagine if an ambulance or fire engine had done exactly the same thing and ended up crashing, hope someone gets prosecuted for it.
hock:******* hell, that cossie is battered, unbelievable that someone put nails on the road, yes he shouldnt be doing silly speeds, but we all break the speed limit, but come on you dont take things like this into your own hands, if its a known area for street racing, then get the pigs involved....very sad that:Sulk:
As stupid as street racing is, that is horrific if the whole thing about the nails is true and that is what caused the accident - I just cannot believe that someone could have done that, they are a murderer, pure and simple, and clearly have a serious problem with moral judgement. RIP to the guy that died, and hope the others pull through as no one deserves that regardless of what they were doing.
On a slightly related note, what is with the large lumps of concrete instead of crash barriers nowadays? Noted on the new sections on the M25 that they're using these there as well, if you had a blowout or something that sent you head first into the central reservation, I'd much rather hit a metal barrier that can deform slightly than fly head first into a concrete block! The mind boggles as to why this is being changed, but I assume it's down to cost and the lovely labour government we're leaving behind........ :angry:
All down to impact absorption, Highways have decided to use concrete centre barriers on carriage ways where there is a lot of HGV movement as the deformable steel barrier will not contain a fully loaded Polish HGV, where the driver decides to not look where he is going as he is too busy watching a DVD on his laptop resting on his dashboard.
Rabster speeding is not good i would hope all members of OJC keep this in mind when driving around.
Rabster speeding is not good i would hope all members of OJC keep this in mind when driving around.
Phil, what nationality drivers did you find the worst?
Other Brits actually no lights flying down the road in heavy rain
And other Brits just doing well over the limit in the individual countries all it would have taken was a large section of surface water and that would be the end of that car and any passengers it's frightening actually
we are by far the worst drivers for respect of the roads I think