Some more of my recent photos :-)
Some more of my recent photos :-)
Been playing with the HDR photo's recently, and these are some i've taken so far, most have probably seen the ones from Japshow at the weekend
Hope you like :thumbup1:
I love them, especially the graveyard ones ... awesome
How do you do / get that effect
Your taking one over and one under exposed either side of a normal exposure
Or two stops either side of the normal on the white balance or are just chucking through PS
I've tried all ways and I can't get anywhere near this.
Got any tips?
They are done like jj260z mentioned, the camera takes 3 pictures. 1 normal exposure, 1 under and 1 over. And then you use software to blend them together, you can use them in 'normal' lighting situations like he has done above.
Or you can for example, take a picture of a stained glass windows from inside a church. And it will solve the problem you have where the the window is too bright, or the shadows are too dark, by adding the over exposed shadows, and the under exposed window, you get a perfect picture
Pretty much as Sprinter above says, some of the others i've done i've used up to 8 images, with a 0.5 step in between each exposure, done a few using photoshop to change the exposure levels.But most i've used the camera itself to do the work for me.
HDR works a lot better with buildings and other static objects as they don't move. :thumbup1: The one with the sheds was the first one i'd done, which came out pretty well, a lot of trial and error but think i'm slowly getting there :thumbup1:
Dinho Those pics are the balls! Good work. What camera do you use?
Dinho Those pics are the balls! Good work. What camera do you use?