What a day!!!
What a day!!!
Before I start my story, does anyone know of any Lexus parts place open on a Sunday where I might be able to get some LS460 front discs?
So I start the day today by taking my son to footie in the rain. No biggie, but by the time we get home it's still raining and I want to get started on my my brake job for the LS460.
So I wait a while and instead decide to repair my computer desk that needs the legs gluing back to the glass table top. Once this is done and I'm waiting for the glue to dry I move onto the car...
Get the calipers off, get the brakes out, manage to get the discs off. I then waxoyl the suspension components as some of them are looking a tad rusty, clean up all the muck, paint the calipers and lube everything up. Feeling quite proud of my work I then put the new discs on, put the new pads in and......
WTF the discs are about an inch short of reaching the edge of the pads!!! I check the model number EBC D7531, shown as supporting the LS460...so god knows whats going on!!
Totally P*SSED off I phone all the Lexus dealers and indies in the area...all closed. Local motor factors is open but cant get me anything before Monday, so I'm totally screwed. I accept defeat and put all of the old brake parts back on.
I then go back inside to put my desk back together again. Bearing in mind the glue says it is dry within 90 seconds, I get everythign back into position, start bolting the legs back on, and they F*ING all fall straight off!!!
WHAT A CR** DAY :topic::topic::topic:
And its raining lol
gutted mate!
keep a shed and a donor car
last sunday i had my brembos fitted using my old car for the hub carriers. my alloys didnt clear the brembo calipers so the standard brakes were to go back on. they didnt fit the replacement hub carriers so i had the V6 brake discs drilled to fit VR4 hubs to keep me going while i sourced EVO alloys. the brembos are going back on tomorrow
supra sized or completely different?